Monday 12 February 2018

Useful tips to acquire proofreading skills

Proofreading is the final step of revision of your writing work before it goes for the submission. Its importance lies in the fact that it makes your writing work more precise and error-free. It makes your writing more effective and interactive. Like writing, one should also acquire proofreading skills in order to master in writing field. Also, proofreading task is not easy as it appears. For this purpose, there are various proofreading services available online. It needs time, effort, and patience to grab the proofreading skills.

Here are some steps which you can follow to proofread your own work
Focus on your areas of weakness
You should concentrate on your areas of weakness in writing. Like if your grammar portion is weak then should work in this area in order to improve your grammatical skills. Start from the basics of grammar and eventually increase your level. Read books, newspapers in order to improve your vocabulary. This will also help you to commit less spelling mistakes. After you have improved your grammar and vocabulary, you can easily pick mistakes related to grammar and spellings from your writing.

Remove any form of distraction while proofreading
Proofreading work requires careful reading of the work. You should remove any form of distraction which will affect your proofreading task.

Regular Reading
In order to acquire good proofreading skills, you should develop in yourself the habit of regular reading. Read from a variety of sources like books, newspapers, magazines, journals and analyze the different ways of writing. Through regular reading, you will also get to know about various trending fields these days. Keep a dictionary with you if want to know the meaning of a word.

Grasp the knowledge from different subjects
Try to learn more and more about different subjects. This will not only improve your general knowledge but will also help in future writing tasks like thesis writing, dissertation writing. It will also help in proofreading your work more easily. You can check the relevancy of the facts with the topic if you have somewhat knowledge of that field.

Improve your computer skills
Rather than manual writing, most of the documents are written on computers mainly with notepad and Microsoft Word. The knowledge of using these software products is really important, especially for proofreading. Thus, if your computer skills are weak, then try to improve it. Learn about various shortcut keys like ctrl+c for copy and ctrl+v for paste.

Proficiency in English Grammar
Proficiency in the English Language and its various conventions is must in order to become a successful proofreader. If your grammatical skills and vocabulary in the English Language are good, only then you can proofread your work successfully. Learn a new word each day.

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