Friday 9 April 2021

Three Key Things to Pay Attention to When Writing a Thesis

Thesis writing is very time consuming task.  But if attention is paid to three key elements introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, a good thesis will automatically be generated. Following are some key points to be kept in mind when you are writing your thesis: 

A Catchy Introduction:

 Researchers usually overlook the fact that the introduction should be catchy to make the thesis look attractive to readers. It’s like, ‘the first impression is the last impression’. The introduction needs to be catchy, especially its first line to arouse the curiosity of the reader about the study. Some researchers don’t pay attention to the introduction. It looks as if they don’t care about how the beginning of their work should be. This will create a wrong impression on the person who is reading the thesis. Writing a catchy introduction does not mean to fill the space with anything, rather it should create an interest in the reader’s mind. Therefore, the main focus should be on writing the first line of the introduction which will not only make it look good but will also make the entire thesis look attractive. 

 A Strong and Clear Thesis Statement:

 A strong thesis statement can develop with proper elements, like; the focus should be on a central idea. This idea comes from the topic that has been chosen. It will not be enough to simply study a general topic or ask questions that have answers in only ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Researchers must have a strong opinion which can be put into a controlling idea upon your thesis is built. The thesis is more than just a topic; it is the interpretation of the researcher’s subject. A thesis statement is one sentence long which appears at the end of the introduction. Therefore, it is specific and focuses on the idea behind the study. 

Following are Some Qualities of a Strong Thesis:


  1. Specificity - A thesis statement should focus on a particular area of the general topic. For example: ‘Health’ is a broad topic, but a proper thesis statement will focus on a particular area of ‘Health’ topic, like ‘Corona Virus (COVID-19)’.  
  1. Precision - A strong thesis statement should be precise enough to remain focused on the topic. A precise thesis statement must make an exact claim about the topic. The researchers should further pinpoint what they are going to discuss, such as the topic’s cause and effect. 
  1. Ability to be Argued - A thesis statement must present a strong and relevant argument. Therefore, a statement holding facts is not considered arguable. The researcher should ensure that the thesis statement should have a good point of view that can be supported with strong evidence. 
  1. Ability to be Demonstrated - When researchers claim any statement in a thesis; they must be able to provide strong reasons with relevant examples for their opinion. For this, researchers can take help from thesis writing services in India to be sure about the claim that it is valid. Therefore, a worthy and strong argument is well supported by examples and details. 
  1. Forcefulness - A thesis statement that expresses opinions strongly makes readers believe in the fact that an argument is being made. The tone must be strong enough to make the researcher’s opinions shine in the eyes of the readers.                                                    
  1. Confidence - Opinions can only be strongly expressed when the researchers have confidence in themselves. Self-doubt or if there is no self-clarity about the thoughts which have to be put across through the thesis statement, then the reader will lose interest at the beginning itself. Researchers should avoid phrases like, ‘I feel’ or ‘I believe’ as they weaken the reader’s sense of the researcher’s confidence. These phrases imply that only the researcher believes in his work. Confidently putting across opinions and argument will ensure that the reader has faith and opens his mind to know what the researcher has studied. 
  1. Revision - Working on a thesis statement often makes it look strong as the researcher gathers information and forms a new point of view. Revising the thesis statement will help the researchers to strengthen it so that it matches the main content of their study.

 Summarize the Content:                           

Just like the beginning- the introduction is important, similarly, the end conclusion is also very important. The conclusion must stand out as much as the introduction. Adding any new idea should be avoided in the conclusion as it should already have been mentioned in the main content. There is no requirement to tell the readers anything new at the end. Rather, simply summarize the ideas that have already been presented in the main content. As the first line of the introduction is important, likewise, the last line of the conclusion is also important. 

The main aim should be to write an effective thesis, with a good introduction, a thesis statement, and a conclusion. Researchers can achieve this by hiring thesis writing services in India as these services provide well-versed thesis with the above-mentioned key points.  







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