Friday 16 July 2021

M tech Thesis Writing Requires much Practice and Style

You will be astounded knowing that how hard it is to write an 
m tech thesis if you have never written any formal document before. You have to make sure that writing style of your m tech thesis is formal and matches with the academic of your subject area. You can take the help from previously published papers or journals in your subject area to understand what is needed in the from of language, style and structure.You will also find plenty of topic ideas from the recently published journals that you can use to develop a topic for your m tech thesis.

Now, the question is how you can achieve a good thesis writing style? Have a look at the below points:

Keep it Straightforward

Out of all the chapters in m tech thesis, the literature review is written in the formal language. In writing the literature review, you get a full chance to put forth your ideas and arguments in the most refined and academic manner. However, make sure you do not go too far in writing literature review chapter.Unlike the complex writing style, the sentences and paragraphs of short length and simple format can be read easily.  Therefore, rather focusing on sounding intellectual and smart, you must focus on being clear with your ideas and arguments.

Focus on Being Objective

It is essential to keep a respectful and objective tone while talking about someone's work, thus remaining objective makes it one of the basic features of academic language.Let us consider an example, imagine you did not like a researcher’s work. You are not supposed to mention it in a rude way like “the research was terribly conducted.” Rather, use respectful tone like “the problem must be analyzed properly before jumping onto its implications.” Your point will be clear to the readers without you being sounded disrespectful or unprofessional. Similarly, when you are putting other’s work into your thesis, you must state the arguments with phrases like –

·         “Alex argues”

·         “According to Carter”

·         “The author recommends that”

Remember to not use words like “I feel”, “I believe” or “I think”specifically when you are talking about academic discussions.Such words and phrases are usually perceived as inaccurate and emotive by the readers.

Write your Thesis for a Large Audience

If you think that the readers will not be familiar about your topic or subject area and that, they might not know what problem you will be addressing, then you are highly mistaken.You should not worry about if the reader is going to understand your thesis topic or not. Regardless of the knowledge they have about your topic, you must write it for a wider audience.Therefore, do not take your readers lightly that they might be unfamiliar with your thesis topic.Not only your supervisor who is going to give you grades but in general, all the readers who will have the access to your thesis will judge you on the basis of how you presented it.Also, the level of knowledge you have about your subject matter. Therefore, make sure you are writing your thesis for a large audience irrespective of the familiarity of your topic and not specifically for your supervisor who is well-versed with your topic.

Use Simple Language

Avoid using complex tone or language in your m tech thesis, especially in the introduction chapter. Introduction chapter briefly explains about the problem you will be addressing in your thesis. In short, introduction gives an idea behind your thesis to the readers. When you are reading the draft copy of your thesis, read it with the other person’s perspective. You can also take the help from an expert or a senior to know if your sentences are simple enough to understand and your message is being conveyed. the mistakes in your thesis and rectify them accordingly.If you fail in making your readers understand about the concept behind your thesis, then you are in trouble.If the readers could not figure out what your thesis was about then your chances to score low grades are high.

Keep Phrases and Keywords Handy and Use Active Verbs

Instead of using passive verbs like had, is, was, has and have, make more sue of active verbs. Passive verbs make the sentences unnecessarily long. Along with verbs, focus on keywords and phrases you choose to use. You will find a lot of familiar keywords and phrases used in all the journals when you are thorough with the literature in your subject matter. Keep a list of all these phrases and use them in your m tech thesis. Also, when you use same keywords and phrases, it links your sentences or paragraphs in better way. It highlights the essential points in your thesis. Therefore, keywords, phrases and verbs must be chosen keeping in mind that your ideas are being easily conveyed to your readers.

Hence, you cannot write a perfect thesis overnight by simply reading journals or research papers. You have to practice and understand the writing style deeply to be able to write a compelling m tech thesis.

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